Local print ads can be great! They can also flop. Depending on the cost, they may be worth trying out. Usually ads of any kind need to run for at least 3 months to see a return on investment. 

Magazine ads can be great for brand recognition if the reach is strong and the audience is a fit. For instance, if the publication is about the BEST services in town, you may attract a patient interested in cosmetics. However if you're attempting to offer high end cosmetic dentistry through a price-driven local publication (such as Penny-Saver), you may miss the mark. 

For print advertising, the message, audience, offer (if applicable), cost, and viewership all impact results. For this reason, it's often difficult to predict just how it will work and if it will work. 

After analyzing reach, cost, offer, and audience, if you choose to embark on a print ad, we're happy to provide design services for you. We're also happy to advise on whether we feel the current opportunity is a fit for your brand.