Do you recommend LinkedIn Advertising? 

LinkedIn Advertising can be a great way to connect with local patients in populations with substantial corporate professionals. LinkedIn is most used by sales professionals, recruiters and those looking to build professional connections for career advancement and opportunity. 

This platform may not be ideal for a pediatric dentist seeking to connect with their market of stay-at-home moms. It may however work to help you target employees of a particular company. If you are located near a corporate office with 1,000 Microsoft employees, it may work by allowing you to target Microsoft employees with a special program or offer for those employees exclusively. 

The targeting isn’t perfect, nor does LinkedIn have the ability to prevent your advertising dollars from being shown to fake accounts, past employees or irrelevant traffic. Make sure to set your expectations appropriately to account for algorithmic imperfections, which are inherent at some level with every digital platform. (Translation: You may get irrelevant leads on occasion with any form of marketing. There’s no way of totally avoiding that.)

LinkedIn allows you to target by the following:

On LinkedIn, the location-based filter has gained significant traction, especially among small enterprises catering to specific geographic regions. If your aim is to tap into a broader community, you have a variety of filtering options at your disposal, including Groups, skills, job titles, or fields of study. However, it's important to strike a balance and avoid being excessively restrictive in your filters, as the objective is to maintain a reasonably sized audience while still optimizing your outreach efforts.

If you’d like Identity Dental Marketing to create and run LinkedIn ads for you, we certainly can. 

Our process: 

We’ll start by gaining a firm understanding of your message (inclusive of your unique selling proposition and selling points). We’ll move on to learning about your ideal target audience. We’ll also ensure that we have access to your business page in order to set up and manage the ads for you. From there, we’ll get the creative and targeting metrics approved, and set up all components of the campaign. Once set up, we’ll go live on the desired launch date. We’ll continue to meet with you quarterly to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign based on LinkedIn statistics and your internal reporting. 


LinkedIn does allow video ads. If you’d like us to provide a quote for a video, scripting or both, please let us know. Videos tend to outperform stagnant ads on most social media platforms. 

Important considerations:

Like all marketing methods, it will take at least 3 months to see and feel a significant impact. Like all social media marketing methods, the campaign will drive brand recognition and awareness, with the potential consequence of more new patients. Not all new patients will appropriately mention the ads as their referral source. This is inherently true for all ad campaigns on platforms with low intent (meaning they’re not usually on that platform to find and hire service providers.) When compared to Google ads (with high intent), these types of ads are harder to evaluate in terms of actual new patient attraction. 

Like all marketing methods, there are no guarantees of effectiveness. However you have the ability to test this for 6 months and reconsider at that point. 

If interested in trying out LinkedIn Ads, please ask your advisor at Identity Dental Marketing for a quote.