A duplicate listing is a listing on Google Business Listings or other platforms which showcase your name, address or phone number, not associated with your main listing on that platform.

Duplicate business listings are often not harmful, but in some instances they can interfere (heavily) with achieving top rankings. If this is the case for you, we can support you in claiming and merging those listings. 

In some instances, duplicate listings are owned and managed by others. We've encountered this as a way for competing marketing agencies to sabotage the competitors of their clients. They create a listing in a space where a business doesn't exist, often times with deceased or retired doctor's information. Some sites feed this information to Google, allowing them to bypass the verification process. In this instance, we have a protocol for cleaning up and removing these malicious listings. 

When a duplicate is managed by a previous employer, we may need 3-4 weeks to get the issue resolved. Some sites require we prove that we're representing you and then we must force claim the listing to remove it. In some rare instances, we are not allowed to remove it without the assistance of the person who owns the listing. 

If you encounter a duplicate listing in your business name, address, phone number or your personal name, please report it to your marketing strategist. He/she will work with our internet marketing department to merge and resolve the issue.